At Cavalier Spaniels Haven, we are dedicated to uniting families with their ideal Cavalier Spaniels puppy! Our mission is to provide each adorable pup with a joyful start in life, focusing on their health and gentle temperament while ensuring a seamless adoption experience. Explore our lovely Cavalier Spaniels and embark on the exciting journey of welcoming your new best friend into your home! 🌟💕

Welcome To Cavalier Spaniels Haven.

We’re delighted to welcome you to Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies, where bringing happiness to families and providing loving homes for our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies is at the heart of what we do. We understand that choosing a puppy is a big step, and we’re here to make that journey as joyful and seamless as possible. Our Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies are raised with care and love, ensuring they’re well-socialized, healthy, and ready to thrive with you.

Every puppy’s journey begins with exceptional care, starting from health screenings and vaccinations to early socialization and plenty of play. We’re dedicated to placing each puppy with the perfect family, and we’re here to provide ongoing support, guidance, and resources as you and your new Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies settle in together.

Thank you for choosing Cavalier Spaniels Haven. to help you find your ideal companion. We look forward to being part of this exciting chapter and can’t wait for you to experience the joy and loyalty that only a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies

Included With Every Puppy

Puppy Food Sample

You receive a sample bag of the same puppy food that the puppy is accustomed to eating.

Litter Blanket

To keep your puppy from becoming too anxious, we include a blanket that they are familiar with.

Shot Records

We always keep our puppies up to date with shots and vet visits. You’ll get all records for your puppy.

Genetic Guarantee

Each puppy comes with a 1 year genetic guarantee that covers any genetic issues that may occur.

About us

At Cavalier Spaniels Haven, we are passionate about raising happy, healthy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies and connecting them with loving families! Every pup receives our utmost care and attention, ensuring they are filled with sweetness and joy. We focus on nurturing their playful characters and friendly dispositions, preparing them to bring happiness to your home. Our devoted team is here to provide support and guidance, making sure your journey together begins on a fantastic note. We believe every Cavalier King Charles Spaniel deserves a warm, loving forever home, and we can’t wait to help you find your perfect furry friend! 🐾❤️

Puppy services

Need Your Puppy Delivered?

Delivery is available with a pet nanny anywhere in the USA and Canada for an extra cost! Read more about our Shipping process…

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